
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

The tale of a cobbler who possessed a treatment of an incurable disease

Ubqari Magazine - December 2012
There used to be a cobbler who treated the dislocating of naval (naaf talna). He was so popular for his cure that he remained flocked with people throughout the day. When I saw him treating the patients, he asked them to lie down on their backs. Then he recited something and the patients were miraculously feeling them alright. Once I asked him about the wazeefa which he used to recite while treating the patients. He replied me that it was a word of God. When I further asked him if he could also share his magic words with someone else, he got a little upset and asked me the reason for that. I told him that there could be many weak/old patients who can’t come for their treatment. They feel it too painful to walk. If he reveals that wazeefa then those in pain could be relieved of their disease while staying at home and he will be rewarded by the Allah Almighty Himself for removing their pains. He turned aside on hearing this and said that it requires a great deal of strife (Chilla) which can’t be done by ordinary people who don’t have that kind of stamina.
One of the persons sitting beside him was the landlord of his shop where he used to mend the shoes, told me that the cobbler was very mean and he wouldn’t allow anyone else know about  his secret as he is making a lot of money from that. Upon this I deliberately raised my tone and said, ok alright if he does not spread his secret, his cure would soon lose its effectiveness and finally would become useless and he won’t be able to treat anymore. The cobbler got my message but he remained quiet and didn’t say anything.
I continued visiting him for some time until one day when I offered him that had he shared his secret wazeefa with me; I would have told him the actual medicine for that problem. He became quite excited and asked me about that. It was also important as the treatment that he used to offer was not appropriate for ladies or high class people as they wouldn’t agree to lie in open for their treatment. Moreover with my prescribed treatment they easily got relieved of that pain while staying at their homes. Even if they don’t pray for me, still I will be rewarded by the Allah Almighty  as I have helped them getting rid of their pain. I just said it and came back and never saw him for some time.
Once I was walking past him when I greeted him with a salam. He suddenly rose from his seat and embraced me. Then he requested me if I could spend some time with him. I replied him that I was going for some urgent tasks and would come later. He then requested me to have a cup of tea together (and this time he looked to be too sincere and affectionate). I accepted his offer and we sat in a nearby restaurant. Then he told me that he was willing to share his secret and told me as follows:
‘’Ask the patient to lie on their back and you should recite Bismillah and Sura Alam Nashrah and  (part of Ayah 18 of Surah Mominoon)  آیت وَ اِنَّا عَلٰی ذَہَابٍۭ بِہٖ لَقٰدِرُوْنَ . Then blow on the navel and with your thumb try to relocate the navel at its right place by moving it sideways .  This recitation would be repeated three times and then remove your thumb from the navel.’’
I wrote down the treatment verse and then after some days, I gave him the following ayurvedic treatment:
Take one tola of Nak-Chikni (Hoya Viridiflora) and grind it to powder. Add the same quantity of old molasses (purana gurr) and make pea size caplets after mixing them together. Give one caplet to patient and wait for 30-40 minutes. If he does not feel better then give him another dosage and he would feel a feeling of revolve in his lower belly and would finally relieved of the pain thereafter.
Treatment of Rheumatism (Ganthiya)
Ingredients: Croton seeds (Jamal Ghota) after being mudabbar* one tola, Dried Ginger(Soonth), Sena Maki(Cassia Senna). Anise (Pimpinella Anisum) , Haleela Zard (Terminella Chebula), Sut Leemon(Lemon extract),each one tola, Gul Surkh (Rosa damascene) half a tola. Grind all of them and mix them and them make pea size caplets.
Dosage: Take one tablet at night with a warm cup of milk or water. The dose can be doubled if the patient is healthy enough to afford that.
One dose is enough. With a handful of doses, the chronic disease could be cured. Also proved working for various stomach problems. It also serves as an elixir for chronic constipation.
*Method of Mudabbar:
Remove the shell of croton seed, slpit them into two and remove the tiny leaflets. Then boil them in half pint of water on gentle heat. After boiling for 5-6 minutes, remove it from the stove and pour the seeds into cold water. Then get them dried and grind them to powder.
Precaution: Do not eat Baadi and Thandi foods. This medicine also removes general aches/pains.
Treatment for Appendicitis: 
Infection in the large intestine. Sometimes it is caused by swallowing apple seeds, lemon seeds or grape seeds. It could be an indirect consequence of severe Pneumonia or flu.
Immense pain around navel, this pain keeps on changing it s place and then becomes concentrated on the right side of intestine. The patient goes on pulling and stretching the right leg in response. It is also followed by vomiting. The above mentioned part also swells and aches on pressing. Hakeem Sahib prescribes Penicillin or Hab-Kabid Naushadri.
Muhammad Ayub from Mansehra who is also a frined of mine, has shared the following treatment: Black Musabbar, Naushadar Theekri(Ammonium Chloride) in equal proportion ground in Aloe Vera mash. Make pea size caplets.
Dosage: Take one caplet with warm water. The pain vanishes in as less as five minutes. The patient feels as he never had the ache.
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